

Have you ever seen big rocks turn into fine sand?

Source:金沙娱场城官网js06vip85 Company News:2024-03-07 Browse:

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Sand and gravel, as an indispensable basic material in the construction industry, its importance is self-evident. However, have you ever wondered how these tiny gravels are produced from huge rocks?

First, let’s take a look at how this sand making machine works. When feeding, you only need to send the stone into the feed port. The adjustment plate at the feed port can control the size of the material to ensure crushing efficiency and product quality. Next, the stone will be hit and crushed by the high-speed rotating roller skin in the crushing chamber. At the same time, due to the rotation of the rotor, the stone will generate strong stirring and friction in the crushing chamber, accelerating the crushing of the stone. During the crushing process, materials will be divided into several grades due to different sizes. Smaller particles will pass through the screening and become fine sand, while larger particles will continue to be sent back to the crushing chamber for further crushing. After screening, the stone is converted into fine sand, which is discharged from the sand making machine through the discharge port to produce finished sand.



This interesting process is inseparable from our Yuhui Heavy Industry's high-efficiency and energy-saving roller sand making machine. This equipment adopts advanced crushing technology and can crush a variety of hard materials such as granite and guar stone into finished sand with a size of less than 4 mm. It can also easily handle 200 kinds of hard materials such as river pebbles, cobblestones, and sand factory return materials. . The size can be adjusted by adjusting the device. Meet our high requirements for sand and gravel quality.



Through the action of the sand making machine, huge stones are converted into fine sand and gravel, providing strong support for our construction industry. Yuhui Heavy Industry's high-efficiency and energy-saving double-roller sand making machine has become a leader in the sand making process with its excellent crushing effect and high energy saving and environmental protection characteristics.

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